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Welcome to Squirrels Class

Curriculum Newsletters 2024-2025

We have enjoyed using the 'Ten Green Bottles' song as part of our Maths lessons. We have been able to use song boards to count along with the song and all enjoyed knocking down each bottle off the wall!

This week we have enjoyed going outside and around school on a 'material hunt' to find different materials and begin to name materials that items are made from, such as plastic, paper or cardboard!

We have had lots of fun exploring 'winter' throughout our lessons this week. We made our own snowflakes using flour, used snow to make snowballs up to 5 and enjoyed using paint on ice cubes and snow!

We had lots of fun making our Christingles ready for our assembly this afternoon. We enjoyed learning about each part whilst we made the Christingles!

We had an amazing time at our Christmas Party in the hall. We enjoyed playing pass the parcel, festive corners and enjoyed dancing with our friends!

We all did amazing with eating our Christmas Dinner in the hall with our friends and enjoyed using our festive placemats and hats!

Today we had a very special visitor in school! We all had lots of meeting Father Christmas and all enjoyed opening our presents from him!

In Art this week we have enjoyed exploring a reindeer sensory tray linked to 'Barnaby Bear visits the North Pole', We enjoyed using spoons and bowls to pick up the cereal!

We enjoyed making our own Christmas light patterns using sponge paints. We all worked together to colour each Christmas light in!

We have enjoyed comparing weights to identify which group of items is 'heavier' and which is 'lighter'. We have been able to use different items on the weighing scales to compare their weight!

Happy 7th birthday to this superstar!

This week we have been exploring 'Barnaby Bear visits Wales'. We have enjoyed making our own daffodil using collage materials, made prints using leeks and made our own cotton wool sheep!

We enjoyed celebrating St Andrews Day in Squirrels Class. We made our own Scottish flags using peg boards and playdough and used coloured sand to make a Scottish thistle!

In Maths this week we have enjoyed listening to '5 superboys' as part of our learning. We have been able to make groups using superheroes and have sequenced these with numbers!

This week we have enjoyed learning all about 'Scotland' during our Topic lessons. In Art we enjoyed exploring a blue and white sensory tray with different materials and enjoyed making our own tartan patterns using paint and sponges!

We enjoyed celebrating Children in Need day and made our own Pudsey bandanas, Pudsey biscuits and even dressed up with Pudsey ears!

In English we have enjoyed our sensory story all about 'Barnaby Bear goes to England'. We enjoyed making our own sandcastles, smelling the rock, brushing Barnaby Bear's teeth and pretending to be the King!

We enjoyed celebrating Remembrance Day in class through making our own poppies using playdough, pasta and paints, as well as making our own poppy biscuit using red icing!

In Geography this week we enjoyed going around school to find different landmarks in England linked to our Topic ' Where in the UK is Barnaby Bear?'. We found each landmark and pointed to these on communication boards!

Our focus in PSHE for this half term is 'managing feelings'. We enjoyed starting to explore our feelings using mirrors and emotions stones, and enjoyed making our own feelings faces on the interactive whiteboard!

As part of our 'Autumn Week' we enjoyed exploring an orange sensory tray with pumpkins and different fruits and also enjoyed making different shapes with cinnamon playdough!

As part of our 'Autumn Week' we enjoyed going on an autumnal walk to Marsden Park. We enjoyed going on the swings, slide and seesaw, and even picked up some autumn leaves on the way!

In our Science lessons this week we have been able to use plant pots and gardening tools to plant our own flowers, linked to 'gardens' as part of our Topic work!

In our Topic lessons this week we have enjoyed exploring 'the bathroom'. We have been able to use sponges and water to wash babies, as well as our hands and face, and enjoyed exploring how to brush our teeth!

In Maths we have enjoyed exploring comparing length through identifying items as 'big' or 'small'. We have been able to sort items into groups based on their size!

This week we have enjoyed exploring 'night time' linked to our topic of 'my home and my family'. We were able to explore the dark tent with torches and lights and put the teddies to bed with blankets to role play bedtime!

To celebrate Jeans for Genes day we enjoyed adding glitter, feathers and gems onto different pairs of jeans!

This week in Science we have enjoyed exploring different materials to develop our understanding of items in a bedroom. We enjoyed using the light boxes to explore 'light and dark' and explored sensory trays with stars and moons!

In Maths we have enjoyed exploring 2D shapes. We have been able to make our own 2D shape houses, choose shapes from a choice of 2 and manipulated sensory shapes independently!

We have done some excellent exploration of activities linked to our topic 'My Home and my Famiy'. We have enjoyed exploring flour and water sensory trays and enjoyed washing up plates and cups outside in the water tray!
