Curriculum Newsletters 2024-2025
Maths - Capacity and Weight - The children have been learning about weight comparing objects that are either heavy or light. Some of the children used a pan scale to weigh objects using non-standard measure (cubes). Some children explored filling containers with sand or water and then feeling their weight.
English - The children have been reading, 'We Three Kings'. They explored a range of sensory related props linked to the story.
English - This week we started learning about the Ancient Egyptians. The children listened to a story and explored some props related to this, e.g. Pharaoh, Pyramids, Mummies, Tombs etc. The children enjoyed dressing up in Egyptian costumes. They completed a short activity either matching a picture or word to an Egyptian symbol.
English - Handa's Surprise
The children have been listening to and reading the story of Handa's Surprise. The children enjoyed using puppets to act out parts of the story. We explored sensory trays filled with fruits from around the world. Children matched pictures of the fruits to the animals that stole them from Handa's basket.
Geography - Where does our Food come from?
The children have been learning about food sources and how food is produced to arrive at the supermarket. The children explored a range of animal and plant based foods to taste. They then sorted them according to their source, either from an animal or plant.
In English this week we have been reading, 'The Tiger who came for Tea'. We thought it would be fun to make sandwiches for the tiger when he visited the class. The children followed simple instructions on how to make a cheese or Jam sandwich. We then used symbols to sequence the steps in the correct order, whilst some children wrote the instructions.
In Science this week we have been learning about animals including humans. This week the focus was our teeth and how to look after them. The children followed a simple sequence to learn how to clean their teeth. They practiced their skills using model teeth and large toothbrushes.
In PSHE this week we have been learning about how our body changes as we get older. This week we have been learning about how to care for a baby. The children practiced washing, feeding, dressing and changing a nappy on babies.