Monday 22nd May, 2023
We had a very good journey to The Wingate Centre and everyone was excited to arrive and have some lunch. After lunch we all played out and then found our bedrooms and unpacked. After some more playing out and enjoying the sunshine we got back on the minibuses and went to Snugbury's for a lovely ice cream. We also saw some pigs and a goat and went for a little walk. On returning to Wingates we played outside on the swings and climbing frames and then went in for tea. We had sausage and mash with mixed vegetables followed by fruit or apple crumble and custard. After tea we played out for a little longer before having showers and watching some of The Lion King.
Tuesday 23rd May, 2023
Everyone had a good nights sleep and the earliest riser was at 6.30am. After breakfast we all got ready and headed off to Chester Zoo. The weather was perfect for walking around the zoo and we saw lots of animals. We all met up for lunch and then after lunch spent a little more time walking round the zoo and had an ice cream. Everyone enjoyed going to the shop and buying a gift to take home. All of us were very tired as we got on the minibuses to go back to Wingates. We all played out before tea enjoying playing on the swings and climbing frame. For tea we had Curry and Rice with Naan Bread and for pudding fruit or Eton Mess. Having tea gave everyone a bit more energy for a final play outside before we came in for showers and watching some more of The Lion King.
Wednesday 24th May, 2023
Everyone slept very well and happily got up this morning ready for another busy day. After breakfast we drove to Trentham Gardens. It was a beautifully sunny day so we made sure everyone had suncream on and sun hats (although they didn't all stay on all day!!!!). We split into 2 groups with one group doing the long lake walk (spotting fairies along the route) with the other group having a walk and going to the playground. Just before lunch we all joined together on the playground and spent the rest of the afternoon playing with our friends and enjoying an ice cream. Twelve very tired children (and 6 tired staff) headed back to Wingates for tea. We had Pasta Bolognaise and Garlic Bread followed by Chocolate Cake and Ice Cream or fruit. Once we all had some energy back we played outside before showers and film time. We finished watching The Lion King and started to watch Up. When the film finished it was time for our bedtime routines and 12 sleepy children are all now settled in bed and asleep.
Thursday 25th May, 2023
Everyone was excited this morning for the busy day ahead. We set off for The Blue Planet Aquarium and spent the morning mesmerised looking at the fish in the large tanks. Everyone enjoyed watching the large Sting Ray being fed by the divers. After a picnic lunch outside we headed off to Fun Zone indoor play centre. It was great to be able to let the children run around and let off steam in a safe play centre - the added bonus was we were the only ones there! The Gym at Wingates was great and we all thoroughly enjoyed exploring all of the equipment and playing lots of games. For tea we had Pizza and Chips with salad following by Ice Cream Sundae or fruit. As usual in the evening we all played out and then had showers before watching the rest of our second film Up.
The comments from the children have been amazing with many saying 'This is the best holiday ever!'.
Friday 26th May, 2023
We all enjoyed our last breakfast before watching our special song and video 'Make the World Listen'. We then finished our packing before playing outside. Mrs Clayton, Miss Gott and Mr Jackson loaded the buses with all of our suitcases and everything else Mrs Clayton for our holiday while we had fun playing for one last time with Mrs Hoyle, Mrs Froud and Mrs Heginbotham. We waved good-bye to Wingates and set off to Banny's. We had a lovely dinner together before arriving back in school and playing out until home time.
We all had an amazing holiday and the children were so well behaved all week. We have made memories that we will never forget.