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 Curriculum Newsletters 2024-2025

First Full Class Outing!

We went on our first full outing in the minibus today and we all worked hard to see the different materials on the journey. The children were challenged to find straw, sticks and bricks and we found them all!

Shape, Space and Measure

Over this half term in shape, space and measure we have been exploring 2d shapes and identifying the names of each of them. We have looked at volume and capacity and enjoyed some lovely sensory activities to demonstrate full, empty and half full.

PSHE Painting to our feelings

In PSHE we have been exploring managing feelings. We listened to happy, sad, angry songs and painted along to this to represent our emotions.

Three children in Kingfishers class have been completing MATP in their PE lessons to build their mobility and dexterity this term. We have been practising crawling and grasping and releasing.

Outside Learning

Look at these fabulous superstars doing some outdoor learning in Maths! They were using the stepping stones to practise rote counting with modelling. They used the bikes to park in the bays numbered 1 and 2 and would drive it into the correct one.

We have celebrated Chinese New Year on 29th January 2025. We have danced like a dragon, tasted different foods (chinese, leaf, noodles, sugar snap peas and prawn crackers), made lanterns and practise mark making and exploring our name in Chinese.

Our new story is the Three Little Pigs. We have role played and had a sensory story to explore the different stages in the book.

Managing Feelings

In PSHE we are exploring managing feelings. We have looked at the zones of regulation and know the emotions can match colours. We saw that green was happy, yellow was excited, red was angry, blue was sad through sensory and practical activities.

In this half term we are exploring materials. Today we have been on a material hunt. We used a communication boards to find some materials around the school and felt what they feel like. We also completed a WOW experiment to see which items were waterproof and if our toys will get wet.

What are unicorns are made of

We have started our new book called What unicorns are made of. We have been exploring many different fine motor activities, a sensory story and sharing reading books together.

In Kingfishers this week we are celebrating Winter Week- we are exploring all things Winter. Take a look each day to see what we have been up to smiley

Merry Christmas from Kingfishers Class

Still image for this video

Merry Christmas from Kingfishers Class

Still image for this video

See what we have been up to on the lead up to Christmas!

We have been exploring the nativity story in RE and how Christians celebrate Christmas. We have made our own suncatcher nativity scene, explored the story, made our own wrapping paper and completed mark making on wrapping paper.

We have been exploring weight and capacity. We have been seeing what things weigh when they are full and empty and also understanding what full and empty means.

We have been exploring the different representations of the number 5. We can see 5 boats, 5 cotton reels, 5 spots on a dice, 5 fingers and 5 piece of numicon. We have matched numerals to amounts to 5 and completed concrete and pictorial representations.

We have celebrated St Andrews Day today (29th November 2024). We have made our own thistles, kilts and explore what we can see in Scotland.

Paddington in the Palace

We have started a new book called Paddington in the Palace- we have used a sensory version of the story and explored these resources. Paddington discovers flowers during this in the royal garden and we have been printing using flowers.

We have been practising our recognition of numerals and matching these to amounts through various activities including computing.

This week has been enjoying the chilly weather and making the most of it. We have been exploring what cold means and enjoying playing with some of the snow.

We have been thinking about different ways that we can mark make. Today we have used the bee bots with mark making apparatus attached to make makes and observe what we have done.

Kingfishers have celebrated Children in Need day today (15th November 2024). We have focused in English and Maths on the colours of pudsey's bandana and spots. We have created some masterpieces and explored a variety of sensory and practical activities.

Remembrance Day

We have been learning about why we celebrate Remembrance Day. We have looked at why the poppies grew and what they look like

Where is Barnaby Bear?

We have taken Barnaby Bear around Asda today - can you spot him anywhere?

We have been celebrating Bonfire Night on the 5th November. Please have a look at what we have been up to.

1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive

This week in Maths our focus is the song 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive. We have been exploring matching numbers to amounts.

In English we are linking to our topic of Where in the UK is Barnaby Bear. We have looked at the story of Barnaby Bear at the Farm. Some of the children went on a trip to the farm in their prior class and we referred back to these experiences.

In RE this half term we are exploring Christianity and looking at Jesus in particular. We have started exploring that when Jesus was born he was a baby. We have looked at what babies would need to survive in the world.

Where in the UK is Barnaby Bear

We have been epxloring what is in our local community and thinking about what we would find. We have role played doctors and opticians and explored what we would find in farmers fields. We have also thought about the British Values and created some artwork around this.

Have a look what we have been up to for all of Autumn Week!

Some pupils from Kingfishers went to Asda today to practise life skills and PSHE. They have chosen some items they would like for snack in the next week.

We have explored numbers today through various different sensory trays.  Kingfishers have explored the songs ten fat sausages and reenacted it ourselves. We had to search for the numbers and match to amounts. 

Today in topic we have been exploring the 'garden' in our topic of My Home and My Family. We have explored the tuff trays of different garden items, made our own flower paintings and even exploring in the sensory room.

Our Class is a Family

We have been exploring a new book called 'Our Class is a Family'. We have looked at our likes and dislikes in the class. We have explored this through sensory trays with our feet, reading different parts of the story, and choosing our own likes.

We have been looking at long and short in Kingfishers this week and big and small last week. The pupils have really taken to it and got involved in a variety of practical and crafty activities.

Out in the Community

After exploring our topic of 'My Home and My Family'. We have been going out on the bus and exploring our local community and looking at the different houses.

In our topic today we have been looking at the term bedroom under our topic My Home and My Family. We have been singing lullabies, making a moon picture, putting the babies to bed and practising our routine before bedtime.

In Maths today we have practised our rote counting of 1 to5- we have enjoyed different water activities linked to our song.

We have explored a variety of activities for Jeans for Genes Day. Thank you for all your donations!

In Every House on Every Street

We have been exploring the book "In Every House on Every Street". We have been looking at the different rooms and the different senses that we would have in each of them. We have explored around the house and created our own wobbly house and garden.

We have had a messy afternoon and enjoyed a variety of mark making activities linked with our topic of bathrooms. We have also had RE looking at different sensory aspects of Hindu Dharma.

Computing with Art

We have used computing today to create a picture of our home. We have see that we can use the screen to manipulate colour and observed the effects of our actions.

In Maths this week we have been looking at number songs to explore the numbers 1 to 5. The children have enjoyed lots of different practical activities


We have been practising our mark making skills using a variety of sensory activities and utensils linked to our topic.

In RE we have been exploring our subject of Hinduism. Today we looked at Rangoli patterns and explored the different sensory experiences of light and smells.

Responding to Stimuli

In Maths we have been exploring lots of practical learning. We have been repsonding to different stimuli to find the children's interest.

Movement and Balance

In Kingfishers we have been practising our movement and balance through an obstacle course. We have had to move in different ways, climb and balance on different apparatus.

In Music we have been exploring our voices and expressing ourselves through music on different instruments. We have sang the music man and looked at keyboards, tambourines, bells, shakers and a big drum.

In Every House on Every Street

We have started on new book of ' In Every House on Every Street'. Today we looked at the sounds we might here in the street from different animals and environment. We explored a sensory story together. On one of the pages it explains about making silly faces in the mirror- we tried to see what silly faces we could make too !

In Music today we have been looking at nursery rhymes. We have chosen our own ones to sing and then explored some sensory trays relating to this after.

Kingfishers have been settling in well and partaking in lots of activities. We really enjoy messy and sensory activities. The pupils have really taken to back to school and are beginning to get use to routines within PVPS.

Welcome back!

Welcome back Kingfishers! We are looking forward to exploring lots of learning this year. Our first topic is about My Home and My Family
