Annual Parent / Carer Events at Pendle View
Sharing Our Learning In the Spring Term we invite parents / carers to spend some time in class learning with their children. Class teachers plan a session where parents / carers can experience the learning opportunities that their children take part in on a daily basis. This is a fantastic opportunity for parents / carers to celebrate their children’s work and the progress they are making. Many parents / carers also comment that they learn a lot about what their child can do and some strategies to help them develop their learning at home. When the session has finished parents are invited to stay for much needed refreshments and talk about their experiences in class.
Christmas Concerts All of our children are involved in our Christmas Concerts. We have one concert for our Early Years and Key Stage One pupils and another for our Key Stage Two classes. The concerts take place during school time with family members being encouraged to come along and support their children.
Spring Fair In May we hold a Spring Fair to raise money for specific developments within the school e.g. mini-bus, new sensory equipment etc. The Spring Fair is held on a Friday morning so all of the children can be involved. Each class has a stall in their classroom which family members can visit, there is a Round the World food stall in the hall, a raffle and refreshments are also available. Parents / Carers can take their own children round the fair which makes it a truly family occasion.
Coffee Mornings We hold a range of coffee mornings for parents / carers and interested relatives. Examples of coffee mornings held at Pendle View include Healthy Living, Oral Health, Communication, ICT with Inclusive Technology and Transition for Year 6 parents.