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Robins - AAC and AT Team

Welcome to Robins


A Robin doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a voice.

Please click on the Robins above to see some of the work which enables our children to have a unique voice. We also have a selection of communication resources that you are welcome to use.

At Pendle View Primary School we ensure that everyone has the right to communicate in a way that is right for them. Robin’s team are committed to helping children to communicate. The means of AAC (Augmentative and alternative communication) allow us to achieve these goals giving our children a voice. Our children have access to a range of high-tech and low-tech communication devices and resources both within our specialist communication base and within classrooms.

Everyone’s human right is to communicate




Pendle View Primary School are delighted to have Won The Setting of the Year award 2023 at Communication Matters Leeds. We would like to thank all Pendle View staff for all their support in gaining this award.

AAC/AT schools information day/Sharing good practice

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On the 9th of November, we held an AAC/AT schools information day/Sharing good practice in school. The aim of the day was to share our experiences in developing an AAC/AT department at Pendle View. During the day we were joined by different presenters including Nikki Hammond & Wendy Day from South view School in Essex who have a similar department to our school and shared their experiences of running an AAC department. Gregor Gilmour who is an AAC Mentor for AT Therapy and a trustee for the charity 1 voice talk to us about his truly inspiring AAC Journey. Ian Loughlin from Inclusive technology talked about AT for iPads and brought a selection of resources for schools to view. Joe Naraynsingh & Alice Langley from Tobii talked about Boardmaker and brought a range of communication devices. Fran Clayton Headteacher of Pendle View talked about having strong leadership team to support Robins department and how Robins is funded. After a lovely lunch, we went on a tour of the school and viewed a selection of our resources.
We would like to thank everyone who attended our information day/sharing good practice.
We are hoping to do more information days in the future.

Communication at Pendle View Primary School

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