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Welcome to Ducklings Class


Curriculum Newsletters 2024-2025

We are starting to use the school vehicles to go for drives and access the community. These four where superstars on their first trip. They enjoyed looking out of the window and taking in the scenery whilst listening to the radio.

Mr Potato Head! We designed our own Mr Potato Heads and then used vegetables to make our own.

A walk to Asda to buy items for the Mr Potato Heads and fruit kebabs

Making our Christingles

Christmas Maths- we have looked at ordering numbers, representing numbers with objects, building towers, object permanence and size

Dressing up and decorating the Christmas Trees

St Andrew's Day- we did lots of wonderful activities for St Andrew's Day celebrations. We had a sensory flag tray, dressed up as knights, designed our own loch ness monster, collaged a flag, had a sensory porridge tray and made our own porridge to eat for snack.

Printing with our favourite toys

Look at this superstar eating 2 fish fingers for the first time!

Ducklings' have done some amazing work on shape. We have sorted 2D shapes, identified sides and corners, printed with shapes and collaged different shapes.

Our first trip to Asda, the cafe, Pets at home and B and M bargains. We walked down to Asda then had some snack in the cafe. Following this, as our topic is 'Toys' we looked at this section in Asda and B and M bargains. After this we went to look at the animals in Pets at Home. We had a fabulous time and the children did amazing.

Dressing up!

Ducklings have done some amazing Autumn activities- a variety of sensory trays, matching activities, alphabet work, sensory mark making, woodland walks, number hunting and a variety of art activities.

The Wheels on the Bus! We did so many amazing activities for this nursery rhyme and the engagement was amazing. We had a tray of all things round, items that open and shut and a horn. We also did role play with the babies, washed the buses and used a story sequencer sound board to order the song. Then we did some amazing art work using wipers and cars. The children made their own buses with megablocks.

1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive.... Ducklings' really liked this sensory tray linked to the number rhyme. We also made our own fish and completed a matching activity.

Our first Ducklings birthday. This little man turned 5 and we had a party and sang Happy Birthday to him to.

In Music we focused on the nursery rhymes The Grand Old Duke of York and Row Row Row Your Boat. We used sound buttons, drums with pom poms on, instruments for the animals and cereal. They all had excellent engagement.

Humpty Dumpty.... We built a wall with bricks and weetabix. We also made a large scale wall using sponges and brown paint.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.... We had a fabulous time exploring the nursery rhyme. We had a sensory tray with bells, made stars with playdough and did a glitter star picture.

In PE this week we concentrated on balance. They worked really hard to complete the circuit.

5 bears Math's work. Ducklings have worked super hard.... from finding hidden bears in cereal, to building a wall for them to sit on and matching numerals and quantities. Super work!

Look at this super work putting the alphabet in the correct order

Collecting leaves for a printing activity

These two little men had the most amazing time in the ball pool in soft play! Lots of giggles

Focusing on the snowstorm. Ducklings particularly liked saving the bears from the ice using a switch to activate the hairdryer.

Jeans for Genes day. Ducklings did lots of amazing activities for this. We designed our own jeans, had a large scale jean design, used spray bottles to wipe the jeans away, had blue playdough and a blue sensory tray.

Ducklings went on a Bear Hunt in the Woodlands and we did a sensory walk in class.

Some fabulous sharing of resources in Music

Ducklings visit the Adventure Playground! This was their first visit and they had a fabulous time exploring the big climbing frame, swing and trampoline.

We're Going on a Bear Hunt! Ducklings' are really enjoying investigating the elements of the story with lots of fantastic sensory experiences. We have had a sensory tray, made our own bears using salad spinners and re-created the story for a display board

Some of our Maths work so far. We have looked at shapes using bricks, blocks and shape sorters. There was also some amazing work using sticks to make a square! In number our focus has been '5 Little Ducks'

We're Going on a Bear Hunt...We sat as a class and read our sensory story, they all did amazing! We then had a sensory circuit to explore the elements of the story and also used the salad spinners to make our own bear.

Visiting multi-sensory

Our first PE lesson. All of Ducklings did amazing getting changed and when in the hall we practiced moving to music.

We have had a great time in Ducklings for our first week, here are some photos exploring.

Here they are exploring 5 little ducks sensory activities
