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Low-Tech AAC Systems

What is a low-tech communication system:


Low-tech communication generally means a system that doesn’t need batteries or electricity.


Examples of low-tech systems

Paper communication book using symbols, pictures, letters, phrases

Communication boards

Eye pointing communication book

Touch Cues

Objects of reference



Our new communication boards

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We are very proud to show you our brand new communication boards that we have recently had installed throughout the school grounds. Many children in our school benefit from the use of communication boards through the day. They allow our pupils, through gesturing, pointing or eye-pointing (gazing) at the symbols, to communicate their wants and needs. Our outdoor boards encourage children to communicate whilst they play, allow them to clearly make a choice between the equipment ('I want scooter' for example), and give them a voice. The core vocabulary allows children to move beyond their needs and wants, with the option of commenting on what they can see, hear and feel around them.

Using PECs Phases 1-4

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This young lady has made very quick progress using PECs. As you can see, her spoken language has also developed alongside the PECs and she is starting to create and say 2 word level sentences.

Using PECS Phases 3 & 4 To Communicate

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PECS (Picture Exchange Communication Systems) is a great way for some of children to communicate. They work up from simple single symbol exchange to building whole sentences.