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Curriculum Newsletters 2023 - 24

The start of our animal topic- today we read our Dear Zoo story and then we used Zoo animals to print the footprints. In Maths we did '5 Little Monkey's and then used the trampette to sing and had a sensory tray with different textures of materials.

St George's Day- we had a small world castle, building a castle with large bricks, colouring and an England collage

For Earth Day we made our own Earth Day with the salad spinners, collected rubbish, did a handprint world and had a rice Earth tray

What a fabulous day we had for our Eid celebrations! We listened to traditional music, tried clothes on, tasted lots of food, had Mehndi and lots of sensory exploration.

Pendleside Hospice Bunny Hop. Ducklings' did amazing completing the Bunny Hop and did some amazing jumping, hopping, walking and running.

Practicing throwing and catching in PE

St David's Day. First we went to Asda and got all the items we needed for the day. When we got back to school we made potato cakes, did a daffodil collage, a leek sensory tray and painting with leeks.

French Day. We tried different foods- croissants, cheese, french stick. We also had sensory activties linked to France and famous landmarks.

Symmetrical butterfly paintings

Our trip to Asda and then Pets at Home

Mini-beasts! Our focus has been The Very Hungry Caterpillar and we have done some amazing work....

To celebrate Chinese New Year we used handprints to create a dragon, completed a coloured, made our own vegetable stirfry, danced to traditional music and had a variety of sensory trays.

Colour science experiments. We had so much fun with these investigations- we made different colours using white vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to create 'fizzing', looked what happened when we added colour to ice and sprayed colour water to watch it run down the paper.

Light up musical instruments

Making emotion jars as part of our sensory story 'The Colour Monster'. Ducklings' did some amazing work following instructions to make these sensory bottles, well done!

Exploring colour with mark making. Ducklings enjoyed using paint and chalk on the tuff spot trays to mix colours and create different effects

Colour collages for our Maths display board!

Colour sorting and investigating the colour red in Maths

As part of our colour topic we used pipettes to add colour to the 'ice mountain' and did great mark making with ice paints.

For the first back following the holidays our focus was 'winter week'. We explored clothing for the weather, had a variety of sensory trays, had ice activities, looked at winter books and did some fantastic art activities

Decorating the class Christmas Tree

For St Andrew's Day Ducklings made some shortbread, weaved paper, made a tartan print, did handprint Thistle's, a sensory Scotland flag and watched a programme to find out more information.

Making a moon using tinfoil and silver paint and making footprints on the moon

Ducklings are all working hard on their fine motor skills. They have been making cog boards, twisting, threading, using locks and looking at different types of tweezeers.

Up in Space!

Ducklings have done some amazing Maths' work linked to our space topic. We used the latch box to activate the hairdryer to melt the planets and release the number rockets. We worked on our numeral recognition by mark making, found a certain number of planets in different sensory trays and made lots of rockets using different shape resources.

Super Maths work! Duckling's had to save the rocket numbers from the frozen ice planets, colour in the spaceship numbers and count the planets.

Look at the fantastic concentration Ducklings have! Amazing work in Attention Autism.... we are now securing stage 2 and they really liked this Children in Need 'spotty splat' activity

Children in Need- Duckling's had so much fun with lots of activities throughout the day. We added spots to pudsey, added spots to photos of children and adults, had a yellow themed A-Frame, melted ice, pudsey made of rice, a Children in Need themed Attention autism and completed a collage

Alphabet rockets and letter formation

Collaging rockets for our Math's number display

Space Maths- we had so much fun exploring number through sensory exploration. There where number rockets hidden in shaving foam (this was a big hit!) We also had the solar system with cocoa powder and balls as the planets where we had to match numeral to quantity. We also had a star and glitter number tray.

Remembrance Day- we had an edible poppy, found poppies hidden in cocoa powder, made a beautiful class wreath made of the children's handprints, decorated biscuits and used the floor projector with poppies on

For Bonfire night we did lots of different activities- we made a 'starry night' bonfire, made marks in glitter, used silly string to make a firework display and confetti cannons to watch them sprinkle down.

Making friends

Firework splat painting! Ducklings did a great job at getting the paint on the 'splat' and putting it on to the paper.

Autumn explorations- exploring pumpkins, leaves, autumnal books and sensory trays. We also did a wonderful 'conker rolling' painting.

We made a brilliant vegetable soup. Everyone did amazing at stirring all the vegetables and then added some cold water to the pan. When it had cooked we used a switch to activate the blender to make the soup. We then tried it at snack time, we also took some to Mrs Clayton and she said how yummy it was. We then used some cold soup and utensils to use our imaginative skills to act how how we made it.

Our trip to Asda- we went with a shopping list to buy snack and items to make soup. They where all superstars holding the basket, getting the items, going to the checkout and paying. We all did great practicing road safety. Using the crossings safely, holding hands and looking left and right.

Ducklings worked super hard balancing, climbing and jumping

Goldilocks and the Three Bears- Ducklings enjoyed our new sensory story. We retold the story and acted it out using the props, demonstrated a preference between wet and dry oats and used switches to activate the bears.

In English we are made biscuits- we followed instructions and used symbols to identify the ingredients.

Lets dress up! Ducklings had such fun dressing up .... look at all the different outfits they tried on

Using the lightbox to make different patterns with shapes

Working on our number skills- finding hidden objects, ordering numbers and using the scooter boards to put a certain number of beanbags into the tub.

Working on our communication skills- using symbols, communication boards and switches.

Music- listening to the noises we can hear in our natural environment

Colour exploration. We all explored colours and engaged in sensory and sorting activities

Investigating repeating an action (posting the balls), cause and effect and object permanence. All the children worked hard to post the balls and then pull the lever to find them all fall out at the bottom.

PE- some excellent work in this lesson. We are focusing on different ways to move and balancing. A firm favourite was going through the tunnel

This little man turned 5! Our first birthday in Ducklings, we had a party to celebrate. We dressed up, danced, played games and had some yummy cake.

Ducklings are Going on a Bear Hunt! Ducklings have engaged in some super work in English to recreate our Bear Hunt story, and we have made our own book. We have explored all of the elements of the story and used sound buttons to hear the noises and retell the story. Next we are going to move onto story sequencing.

Fantastic fun on the adventure playground - everyone explored the swings, slide, climbing frame and trampoline.

Using the salad spinners to choose colours and create a bear

Soft play!

I am the music man! Ducklings' explored lots of different musical instruments

Enjoying a cool ice lolly on a hot day

Look how wonderful Ducklings sat to do their 'First Mark Making' we then did lots of fun activities- mark making on a large scale, using the light up boards, shaving foam with egg tweezers and fine motor skill work.

Fabulous sensory math's activities- numbers and ducks in gloop was a firm favourite!

Some super sorting in Ducklings! One ordering the cars from big to small and another doing colour sorting with bricks.

What a fabulous first couple of days Ducklings have had! We have listened to '5 Little Ducks' in Maths and had lots of fun sensory activities! We have also painted our own duck, explored lots of toys and engaged in messy play.
